How to create Twentythirteen child theme for WordPress
Proper way to start with wordpress is by creating your own child theme. I found default Twentythirteen WordPress theme is very handy and easy to setup, so it will be a shame to loose any changes made after every update.…
WordPress 3.8.1 – things to do
So, this will be my little guide, mostly for myself (if I did smth wront please let me know 🙂 ), to have a better control over some usual wordpress, not bugs, but let’s say things to do to make…
Adding custom fonts to wordpress using @font-face CSS rule
First of all you will need to get your font, serch for fonts on your fav search engine, and upload it to “wp-content/themes/your_theme_name-child/fonts” directory… create child theme and “fonts” dir inside if not exist… Follow this guide first if you…
Joomla 2.5.17 “WARNFILETOOLARGE” error
I found a strange error on new joomla 2.5.17 installation… not sure is it a joomla bug or my hosting bug (I updated php.ini after joomla instal so I suppose that could be a reason as well). The problem is…
Adding www. to all links in Joomla CMS using .htaccess file
OK, this is simple one, and it will also work on other CMS/Websites, on this tutorial I used joomla with sef and apache mod rewrite enabled. First of all you will need to navigate to your website root and than…
How to make PXSlider to stop on mouse over, show excerpt text…
PXSlider is wonderful WordPress slideshow plugin with nice parallax effect, but with a lack of some features like stop on mouse over, excerpt text… To add stop on mouseover function you should navigate to wp-content/plugins/px-slider/inc/front/js and than open pxslider.js for…