Plugin is sold, so I will no longer provide support here… Thank You
This lightweight WordPress plugin will made your menu sticky on top of page. You can see this very plugin in action on this website, just scroll your mouse up and down and notice that menu is following your scroll.
Plugin is originally designed to work with Twenty Thirteen theme, but should work on any theme. It’s using .navbar css class by default, and that’s the only thing that need to be modified for other themes to make it work. Inspect your code to find appropriate menu/navigation element class or id. Go to Settings / myStickymenu and change Sticky Class to .your_navbar_class or #your_navbar_id.
Plugin is based on javascript which adds two additional div elements and it nest’s selected element inside. Than adds .myfixed css class to selected element after scroll.
First div (#mysticky-wrap) is used as a placeholder to fill the space while our initial menu is fixed. So basically plugin calculate initial height and use it for placeholder and wrapper element “#mysticky-wrap” to prevent jump of the page while sticky menu is activated. Jumping happens because mystickymenu is using original element from the page (which is no longer in place cause now is fixed on top of page).
Second div element (#mysticky-nav) is used to position the sticky menu, add top position when admin bar is showed, as well for slide effect to make it slide in and out. By default it has 100% width. This div is a container for a menu and it keeps menu centered. On scroll after activation height is met this element gets three classes: .wrapfixed class, .up and .down classes on scroll up and down.
Since this element is full-width, it’s perfect for attaching the shadow effect using some custom css. Background of .wrapfixed element is defined with “Sticky Background Color” setting field, simply leave it blank if you don’t won’t full width menu.
And at the end we have .myfixed css class which is added to our original element defined by “Sticky class”.
For example:
<div id="navbar" class="navbar"></div> |
Will become:
<div id="mysticky-wrap"> <div id="mysticky-nav" style="top: 0px;"> <div id="navbar" class="navbar"></div> </div> </div> |
And than, on scroll down when activation height is reached:
<div id="mysticky-wrap" style="height: 45px;"> <div id="mysticky-nav" class="down wrapfixed" style="top: 0px;"> <div id="navbar" class="navbar myfixed" style="width: 1598px;"> </div> </div> </div> |
At the end, on scroll up we have:
<div id="mysticky-wrap" style="height: 45px;"> <div id="mysticky-nav" class="up wrapfixed" style="top: 0px;"> <div id="navbar" class="navbar myfixed" style="width: 1598px;"> </div> </div> </div> |
This way we can have custom css style for sticky (.myfixed and .wrapfixed) classes, as well as .up and .down classes if we wanna style menu differently on scroll up or down More about custom styles…
Download from WordPress
Tabbed settings
Settings are grouped into three tabs, General Settings, Style and Advanced.
Automatic activation
This option will be activated if “Make visible on scroll” option is set to 0. 0 is used as default setting for all new installations.
With this option fade effect will behave as push, when sticky menu hit browser top it will start to push it down, and when deactivated, menu will fit to its original position. This will work good only when initial menu is same as sticky menu, otherwise transition will not be smooth.
Slide effect will work after, when menu is scrolled out of browsers top view so it can be used in both cases, when initial menu is same or different as sticky menu.
Disable on scroll down
This new option disables sticky menu on scroll down, its showed only when scroll up. Used with automatic activation it behave as slide in on scroll up and fit into position
Up and Down classes
Menu can be styled different on scroll down or up. Class .up is added on scroll up, and .down is added on scroll down. Use “CSS Style” field to style it as you wish (#mysticky-nav.wrapfixed.up or #mysticky-nav.wrapfixed.down).
Reset to default settings
It will reset settings to defaults, write down your previous settings before using this option unless it’s a new install.
Please note on plugin update: Clear cache if some cache system used on your site.
Version 2.0
– Added: If Make visible on Scroll is set to 0 automatic activation and deactivation scroll height will be used (useful for responsive designs).
– Added: Tabs for settings.
– Added: option to disable on scroll down (show only on scroll up).
– Added: Class .up and .down on scroll up or down.
– Added: Reset to default settings.
– Added: remove myStickymenu settings on plugin uninstall.
– Added: index.php to plugin root to prevent directory browsing.
– Fixed: If sticky menu class does not exist (null or undefined), it will show console log instead of error.
– Fixed: slide effect now slides on deactivate as well.
– Fixed: admin bar overlap for screens less than 600 px wide.
Version 1.8.4
– Fixed: changed is_home() to is_front_page() for menu activation height on front page.
Version 1.8.3
– Change: minor cosmetic changes…
Version 1.8.2
– Fixed: js load on https websites
Version 1.8.1
– Added: “Disable CSS“. If you plan to add style manually to your style.css (in order to improve your site performance) disable plugin CSS style printed by default in document head element. More about this option and how to use it.
– Minimized mystickymenu.js (mystickymenu.min.js) to improve performance.
Version 1.8
– Added: “Make visible when scrolled on Homepage” after number of pixels. Now it’s possible to have one activation height for home page and another for the rest of the pages.
– Added German language.
Version 1.7
– Added multi language support (localization).
– Added languages – English (default), Spanish, Serbian and Croatian.
– Added Iris color picker script.
– Fixed jumping of page on scroll while menu is activated (height is defined before scroll event).
– mystickymenu.js moved to js folder
Version 1.6
– new administration setting: “Make visible when scroled” after number of pixels.
– fixed opacity 100 (thanks to coleh3)
Version 1.5 – what’s new?
– “Disable at Small Screen Sizes” setting now have option to enter exact width in px when sticky menu should be disabled.
– new administration setting: “.myfixed css class” – edit .myfixed css style via plugin settings to create custom style.
– google adsense clash fix (thanks to Luigi).
– is_user_logged_in added instead of old “Remove CSS Rules for Static Admin Bar while Sticky” option (thanks to Dominik).
– fixed undefined index notice.
Version 1.4 – what’s new?
– new administration setting: fade in or slide down effect for sticky class.
– ads new wrapped div around selected sticky class with id mysticky_wrap which should make menu works smoother and extend theme support.
Version 1.3 – what’s new?
– block direct access to the mystickymenu plugin file (for security sake).
– 2 new administration settings: Enable / Disable at small screen sizes and Remove not necessary css for all themes without admin bar on front page.
– ads “margin-top :0px” to .myfixed class in head which should extend theme support.
Version 1.2 – fix IE browser support
There is a minor fix in mystickymenu.js for IE browsers, so myStickymenu is now compatible with IE 10, 11 (thanks to Brandon who reported a bug). For now it’s confirmed that myStickymenu is compatible with all newer versions of: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE . I didn’t check older versions of browsers or other browsers yet. If you feel like it, please leave a comment for other supported or unsupported versions and browsers bellow.
Version 1.1 is out!
New administration options are now available through Dashboard / Settings / myStickymenu. Options are as follows: Sticky Class, Sticky z-index, Sticky Width, Sticky Background Color, Sticky Opacity, Sticky Transition Time. Old mystickymenu.css file is deprecated and not in use anymore, so you can delete it from your plugin folder if you want. If you need old css rules from css file, you can copy them to your theme stylesheet manually (Sorry if I broke someones update, I’ll promise it won’t happen again).
For different themes check out myStickymenu theme support
…and please comment if you like it or have an idea how to improve it…
Some cool live website examples where plugin is active at the moment:
First of all, many thanks for this great and useful plugin…
My issue is when browsing my site from mobile device the menu changed to be in a one row vertically!!! All the letters are aligned vertically (you can try it on my site:
How can I fix this issue please
Hi all. I just added the plugin and it works fine on my site. However, on small screens, all menu items are gone. That’s actually fine. But Is there a way I can add a “burger” that contains all the menu items, appearing only on mobile?
as far as I can see it works the way you asked for?
It has gone — button “Sticky Background Color”
Well, I still can see it, which version of wp and mystickymenu?
One other issue with the disable on scroll down. This shouldn’t be activated until the entire header is out of sight, because otherwise the sticky menu disappears when half the regular menu is showing, leaving a blank space where the menu should be. This is especially a problem if you have content above the menu that you want to include in the sticky part of the page.
If I haven’t been able to make myself clear, please email me and I will provide a demonstration on my site.
I think I can explain how to recreate the problem. In the settings, check “disable sticky menu on scroll down.” Create a sticky menu that’s 150px in height. Scroll down past the point that the regular menu disappears (more than 150px). Scroll back up to 50px below the top (sticky menu will appear). Now, scroll down enough to hide the menu. The sticky menu will disappear, and leave a 100px gap where the bottom 100px of the menu ought to be.
From a logical standpoint, I believe this means that hiding the menu on scroll down should only happen if the current scroll position is lower than the total height of the sticky menu. I suspect that isn’t a difficult fix?
This is a great plugin, saved me a lot of time. One thing I would like to see is a way to temporarily disable the sticky menu in the context of an event handler. I have a button that closes an expanded window, and this triggers the scroll event, which causes the sticky menu to show. If it isn’t showing (I have the don’t show on scroll down option activated) this can be confusing to the user.
I’ve tried both stopPropagation and stopImmediatePropagation with no effect.
Thanks, This tip works for me.
This plugin is amazing. Can you please tell me exactly how to add a small logo onto the left side of the sticky menu? It’s not part of my regular header, I have a different logo there.
Thank you
See answer to Joan Morci…